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Facing Realities - Quick Questions 5/29/5

Re Conversations with Dave
Holmes (Sherlock) and Watson (Dr.).  Few would have known about the legendary sleuth without his chronicler.  Hence, Livingston and Livingston.

I agree with your approach to critical thinking.  Paul Samuelson once said, "There is no substitute for paying attention to the empirical facts of life, and no substitute for systematic reasoning about them."  It is unfortunate that this approach is not more widely shared, particularly amongst the laity.  What you do is deliberate and by design.  Your line of thinking and resulting conclusions and recommendations cause your readers to view issues in a different light.  I consider this provocative and good.

As to James, I have simply concluded that all of us can benefit by being reminding from time to time of the basics of our craft.  You have cited Ben Hogan on numerous occasions.  I suspect he spent more than a little time on the driving range and practice green.

Aaaaaahhhhh, moral discipline.  I tell my students that without integrity, not much else matters.

But culture shapes the meaning of the word.  The parsing of moral discipline and integrity yields different results in different cultures.  I'm thinking just about America here.

Posted on Friday, June 3, 2005 at 07:16AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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