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Agent-based Models and Socio-Economic Simulation

Re Conversations with Dave

Let's see now.  How do I turn

"Ascape is a software framework for developing and analyzing agent-based models. In Ascape, agent objects exist within scapes; collections of agents such as arrays and lattices. These scapes are themselves agents, so that typical Ascape models are made up of "collections of collections" of agents. Scapes provide a context for agent interaction and sets of rules that govern agent behavior. Ascape manages graphical views and collection of statistics for scapes and provides mechanisms for controlling and altering parameters for scape models."

into something a businessperson can understand?

I recall an earlier remark of yours; "All that's neither here nor on the table because the industry is being driven by technicians and techniques - not consumer requirements." May 19.  I disagreed with you then, but I will agree with in the case of Ascape.  Computer science graduates run amok

The best line on the Ascape web page was "Keep in mind that to develop Ascape models you will need a working knowledge of Java programming."

Posted on Friday, June 3, 2005 at 09:12PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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