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Krugman 5/28/5

Re Conversations with Dave

Only on rare occasions do I read Krugman.  I'm not as competent as you in economics and the related arts, but I've formed the same opinion as you about the man.  How he says what he says makes him a tad difficult to latch on to.

His "turning" happens all the time.  Success and acclaim is a fertile breeding ground for hubris.  Failure to achieve what one is obviously the best qualified at is a fertile breeding ground for the "shrillness" that you and others have noted.  All of us have met people like this.  Greenberg at AIG and Grasso at NYSE come to mind.  I suppose we could pick one or two out from our joint time together at IBM.  I think it difficult to remember where one came from, what got one to one's present position, and when one didn't know what one now knows.  Humility, like integrity, is difficult to hold on to.

The NYT has undergone, as you doubtless know, a self-examination of what it is and how it is perceived by the public.  I've not yet seen or heard of any substantive changes in modus operandi, but perhaps Krugman was an object, if not a participant, in the examination.  We shall see what we shall see.  Perhaps balanced, well-reasoned, well-written journalism will be back in vogue.

Posted on Friday, June 3, 2005 at 07:08AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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