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IE to Firefox to Chrome, and a Brief Diversion to Safari

I've never preferred IE (7.0) as a browser because it is simply slow. There are, however, some instances where the website is so tightly wed to the Microsoft technology that IE simply must be used.

I have been a Firefox advocate for some time, but the last version (3.5.2) I installed seems to conflict with other software in my Thinkpad R60. It seems to not shut down properly and lockup my machine. I first noticed this last week and, in an experiment, tried Chrome.

Very fast, this Chrome. Fast to load the browser and fast to load the sites. Easy to use interface once I got over the strange placement of the tabs.  It is, at the moment, my browser of choice. The only drawback I've found to this point is that Zotero doesn't work with Chrome. Hence, when I need to capture or use citations I return to Firefox.

By the way, the capability of Zotero will cause me to take Endnote off the machine.

I also dallied with Safari, but found the interface hard to become friends with. That's probably just me.

Posted on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 08:46AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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