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The Need to Know About Technology

The breadth and depth of data and information regarding technology is, for all practical purposes, fathomless. It is probably impossible, and at least impractical, to know all there is to know.

There is, however, a set of data and information about technology that is highly relevant to one’s role and responsibilities in an organization in an industry.

This note suggests ways to discover that set.

Posted on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 11:12AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Jim - hope you'll pardon the intrusion but your post and the PDF on knowing Technology struck me as interesting and a nice introduction that calls for diving several levels deeper. It also seems to me that one can provide more specific framing and examples. Perhaps another way to put it is that you outline the broad conceptual questions that must be dealth with and the next iterations should be examples and illustrative answers.

Underneath those observations is my belief, grounded now in my oh so vast Tech experiences (says the student to the Master), that one can indeed frame up Technology so it's more easily graspable. In fact there seem to me to be some things that have held up remarkably well.

As possible candidates and food for thought I've e-mailed a PPT that you might want to recast in your own inimitable form and way in follow-on.
August 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdblwyo
Well, you're correct, of course. Once one has a good handle on what s/he needs to know about technology one needs to apply the knowledge.

Pages 7-8 introduce the notion of application, but were not intended to go into detail on the matter. My ideas on the application of knowledge are covered in the lecture notes on MIS in Transportation.

Thanks for the PPT. I will shamelessly steal.
August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJames Drogan

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