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Justice: A Journey in Moral Reasoning

Dave has brought to my attention this fantastic 27 minute video featuring Professor Michael Sandel.

"Hundreds of students pack Harvard's Sanders Theater for Michael Sandel's "Justice" course—an introduction to moral and political philosophy. They come to hear Sandel lecture about great philosophers of the past—from Aristotle to John Stuart Mill—but also to debate contemporary issues that raise philosophical questions—about individual rights and the claims of community, equality and inequality, morality and law.

Despite the size of the course, Sandel engages students in lively discussion on topics including affirmative action, income distribution, and same-sex marriage, showing that even the most hotly contested issues of the day can be the subject of reasoned moral argument. This film, which contains excerpts of several classes, is part of a project to make this legendary course an educational resource that reaches beyond the Harvard classroom."

It focuses on justice and moral reasoning, but much of what is said in this video applies to many (all?) disciplines.  The questions taken up by Sandel and his students have their counterparts in the courses I teach on logistics, supply chains, and management information systems.

I encourage you to find the time to review this.


Posted on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 01:33PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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