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Back to School: The First Seminar

In Back to School I discussed my decision to take up graduate school.  I just finished my first seminar on Theory and the International System (i.e.,  the theory of international relations).  It was well worth the time.  I read people I've never read before, received some interesting insights from my peers, improved my research and writing skills, met a dignitary from Singapore (who was very helpful on the practical application of theory), and now I am in the process of creating a new teaching module about how international relations affects the supply chain.

I've a bit of time off over Thanksgiving and will start the second seminar, Economic and the International System, on December 7.

To my students, prepare for a new and interesting point of view.

Posted on Monday, November 23, 2009 at 03:45PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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