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At an age when many would be tending their tomato plants and taking afternoon naps, I’m drawn to enrolling in a formal education program. Not just any program, mind you, but a program that will assist me in delivering additional value to the students I teach and the institution I serve.

I have been thinking about this for some time. Self‑analysis leads me to the conclusion that, despite my best informal efforts at staying abreast of developments in my areas of expertise, I ought to undertake a more formal, structured program for developing relevant knowledge, skills, and expertise. I’ve looked at universities and colleges in the vicinity of Lower Fairfield County Connecticut, but found no program that seemed to align with my interests.

Then, a small advertisement for the Masters of Arts in Diplomacy at Norwich University appeared on one of the blogs I follow. Diplomacy suggests international affairs which, in turn, constitute a portion of the context that affects global business and transportation, the area in which I teach and have had considerable commercial experience. The core curriculum coupled with the concentration in International Commerce aligns well with my responsibilities within the Global Business and Transportation department at SUNY Maritime College.

I am also involved in Maritime in the area of online or distance learning. I am the Director of Online Programs. I understand that Norwich University is one of the leaders in the online education community. Hence, I expect involvement in the program to provide me with additional expertise in distance learning which should allow me to provide additional value to my institution.

Earlier this evening I was advised that I have been accepted into the program.  The start date is September 7 and the expected degree date is June 2011.  The curriculum for this program will be found here.

Posted on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 07:31PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Weigh cool...congratulations. Sounds like a lot of hard work but perfectly complementary to your current teaching and background.
August 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdblwyo

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