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Transcription of Digital Audio Files

I recorded my remarks at the CUNY Conference on Academic Integrity on an Olympus DS-320 Digital Voice Recorder with the idea that, since I was speaking from bullet points, I would transcribe my remarks, then edit and publish the result.  Your can find the edited transcription here.

On an IT Conversations podcast I had heard of a service called CastingWords.

Great service (one day turnaround; very faithful to the original spoken words) at a reasonable price ($18 for a 23 minute piece).  I'll go back.

What was also revealed was that I need to work on my speaking skills, particularly when speaking extemporaneously or, as was the case here, from bullet points.

All in all, a worthwhile investment of money and time.

Posted on Sunday, March 18, 2007 at 04:42PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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