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Ethics, Integrity, Innovation, and the Next Generation

In Closing Words - CUNY Conference on Academic Integrity I include the following line. 

"The Internet and the way that we do things are fundamentally changing the manner in which we establish and maintain relationships and their ethical underpinnings."

Reading Irving Wladawsky-Berger's post this morning, GIO 3.0 - The 2007 Global Innovation Outlook, particularly his extended discussion of interactions with students, I am struck by the linkage with my comment.  One line captures this well.

"The students had little sympathy for the media companies' struggles to protect their copyrighted material.  What the media companies call piracy, the students often referred to as sharing."

The world as we knew it is changing.  The old rules, practices, policies, etc. may no longer apply.  This phenomenon has, in part, given rise to the theme of this year's Bernard L. Schwartz Communications Institute Annual Symposium on Communication and Communication Intensive Instruction, "New Rules: Convention and Change in Communication."

I suggest that the notions of ethics and integrity may also need a rethink.


Posted on Sunday, March 18, 2007 at 07:34AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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