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Hit Man Vs Realities

Re: Conversations with Dave

Nope, the WP is not on my read list.  Maybe it should be.

Critical thinking is, as you and have discussed, hard work.  And, as we have further discussed, far too few people think critically.  Instead, they take the lazy way out, looking for explanations that match their preconceptions.

I sometimes cite Abraham Lincoln's "You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time."  Usually its in the context of how my career was and is based on the middle part of the quote.

Lincoln's words apply here.  Perkins has found a lazy mass with money.

Willy Sutton was once asked why he robbed banks.  He replied, "Because that's where the money is."  Perkins doubtless saw the money and the opportunity.  Perkins has foisted off on a large number people nothing more than a very fat supermarket tabloid.

I'm on Martin Wolf's side in this debate.  I've not read Wolf, but am very much a fan of J. N. Bhagwati, In Defense of Globalization, Oxford Press (2004), 0-195-17025-3.

Perhaps the Luddites are on the rise.

Posted on Friday, March 10, 2006 at 09:17AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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