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Content Manipulation

Re: Conversations with Dave

And so what should we do?

First, as our unamed columnist has done, and as you often do, take on the purveyors of content pap.  This garbage will continue if not openly confronted.

Second, develop the critical thinking and communications skills in those that will follow us.  This is not just a job for professional educators.

There are significant economic and political forces at play in all this.  When considered, they seem daunting.  However, what we lose and will lose by letting these forces hold sway over us is frightening (I really want a different word here, but can't find it at the moment).

Somehow we need to find the courage to stay in the game if only in a small way.

Posted on Friday, March 10, 2006 at 09:00AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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