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Approval of Congress Erodes in Survey

If, in business, customer satisfaction was at the levels described in this article from the Wall Street Journal, a company would likely find itself in decline.  At a minimum, the company's modus operandi would need to change.  At the other end of the change spectrum one could imagine wholesale changes to management or sale of the company.

That won't happen here.  To politicians it is more important to win than to be correct; to do something for themselves, not others; to avoid blame, not take risk.  There are far too few competitive seats in Congress due, in large measure, to gerrymandering (a short  word for "you couldn't get rid of me if you wanted to.").  Hence, America is unlikely to find its way out of this political box anytime soon.

Shame on all of us for letting it happen.  Perhaps term limits is an idea whose time has come.

Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 06:35AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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