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Mind, Thoughts vs Facts --> Facing Realities -->Economic Adjustments and Pains

Re: Conversations with Dave

I meant provocative in the good sense of the word.  And you do it deliberately.  If this wasn't the case you would keep the good stuff to yourself.  You're a bit like Holmes and Watson rolled into one.

I had mentioned in a previous note that I had gotten through James' "Talks to Students and Teachers."  I concluded that this work ought to be on the annual summer training regimen for teachers.

If what you are calling for in the airline cock-up is the application of tough love, then I'm on your side.  I tend to come down on the side of Darwin when it comes to business.

I've shut down my old web site and opened a new one at jmsdrgn.squarespace.com.  Lower costs, an ability to consolidate my blog and other stuff, a simple clean design, and a demise in customer service on the part of my original service providers were behind this.  Innovation in service, cost, and design coupled with maniacal focus on customer service needs to be (must be?) core values of for profit institutions. 

Airlines where labor and management have failed to appreciate the necessity of a joint focus on these core values should not be coddled.

I note that I have yet to read or hear about any real study of the impact of letting the Americans and similar ilk fail.  Why is that?  Maybe it's because "...judicious reading, thought and investigation..." is hard work.  Maybe its because the results of the hard work will reveal the emperor has no clothes.
Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 08:02AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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