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Work in Progress

I write a lot.  I prefer to write on matters that interest me and I do so to clarify my thinking on the subject.  I've authored several undred items over the course of my career.  Some are posted here in droganbloggin, Lecture Notes, and Other Information and Ideas (available through the navigation panel to the right.

I've a number of items in progress.

  1. Drogan, J. (2017a, September 10). Learning from the Future (WIP).
  2. Drogan, J. (2017b, September 15). AI: Two Questions (WIP).
  3. Drogan, J. (2017c, September 29). Integrating Academic Activities: Research, Education and Real Life Problem Solving (WIP).
  4. Drogan, J. (2018a, January 28). Improving Performance in the Supply Chain with Bloackchain (WIP).
  5. Drogan, J. (2018b, January 31). Philosophy and International Business (WIP).
  6. Drogan, J. (n.d.-a). Commentary on The Shipping Industry (WIP). August 26, 2017.
  7. Drogan, J. (n.d.-b). Other Thinking About Spatial Literacy (WIP).
Posted on Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 08:40AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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