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Leaders and Followers

"Levingston’s frame does not fit, but he is too good a writer to get in the way of his history for long. 'Kennedy and King' will most likely leave readers thinking that what is needed today is not more leaders, a few men and women shaping our destiny, but more followers. What is needed are ordinary people: alert, informed, engaged, mobilized, idealistic but not naïve, critical but not hopeless, confident about who they are and what they want but able and inclined to work with all sorts of others, exercising rights won at enormous cost, starting with the right to vote. What is needed, in short, are more citizens, prepared to lead our leaders toward a more promising land."

Goodman, J. (2017, July 2). Profiles in Caution. New York Times Book Review, p. 9.
Posted on Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 06:32AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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