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Three Main Takeaways from the SIC 2017

  1. Economic Power Shifts from West to East: India and China’s share of world GDP has increased six-fold since 1970. Meanwhile, the G7 nations share of global trade has declined from 50% to 30%. This shift in economic power presents one of the greatest investment opportunities in history… and also carries many risks.
  2. Demographics Are Destiny: Populations in the West are aging rapidly. In the US alone, 10,000 people turn 65 every day… and will do so for the next dozen years. An aging population means less economic activity, which has profound implications for your portfolio.
  3. The Coming Technological Revolution Will Change the World: Over one-third of US jobs are expected to be automated over the next decade. But automation and advances in technology aren’t just affecting manufacturing workers—they will impact your future investment success.

Source: Mauldin Economics

Posted on Monday, May 29, 2017 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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