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Author Malcolm Gladwell: More data doesn’t mean you know everything

This item, from GeekWire, points out the power of the counterfactual.

Those of you who have taken Logistics in the Supply Chain with me will recall (I hope) the assigned text, Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Creating Value-added Networks, by Martin Christopher.  I assigned this text partially for what it didn't say about the topic.  You were challenged to discover what was not there.

There is great value in determining what's missing.

"If stated reasons don't sit well with your conscience or stand the test of logic, look for deeper motivations." Docent Glax Othn in Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, Dune: The Butlerian Jihad, 1st Edition ed. (Tor Books, 2002) 0-765-30157-1.


Posted on Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 06:47AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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