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A Necessity?

While I have tried to post on this blog items of interest and observations of value (at least to me), I have also tried to eschew politics.  However, I suspect one could conclude that as the global and, especially, the local political situation deteriorates I have become a bit more cynical and trenchant with regards to politics (see In the wake of...).

From John Mauldin's latest letter (September 3) comes:

What we need to do is to make it easier for businesses to start and find capital. Reduce the regulatory burden that small businesses face. When small local banks need 1.2 employees to deal with regulations and compliance for every 1 worker they have making loans (as reported in the WSJ this week), something is seriously wrong.

Politics has exclusively become about power and increasingly less about providing and managing a framework that provides for the well-being of the citizenry.  I am tarring both sides of the aisle with the same brush here.

On the way to work the other day I noticed the folowing bumper sticker:


Posted on Sunday, September 4, 2011 at 07:08AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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