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Margaret Atwood - The Publishing Pie: An Author's View

You may know Margaret Atwood.  I have heard of her, but never read any of her work.  I did, however, listen to a fascinating talk she gave at the Tools of Change Conference from O'Reilly Media  Funny and, as best I can tell from my limited experience in the field, deep insight into the changes in publishing that are being wrought by technology.  This is 34 minutes and 13 seconds that's worth a listen.

The abstract:

Author Margaret Atwood, creator of fictional dystopias, speaks on the plight of the author in the face of changes to the publishing industry today. She takes it down to first principles, in a partly historic, partly autobiographical way, how the "publishing pie" is divided. She warns the publishing industry against eliminating the author's piece of the pie in their mad rush to an electronic publishing future.


Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 06:58AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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