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Some Thoughts on Using Generalists

I've long been a follower of Creative Generalist and, over the last few days, I joined The Society of Creative Generalists.  I posted on the societies blog a bit of an introduction to me that prompted the following comment from Arnold Beekes: "Hi James, do you have any thoughts on how to best use the talents of generalists?"

Well, I like provocative questions and a brief response to Arnold was:

This seems to me to involve 1.) determining what sort of generalist(s) one needs, 2.) locating and retaining the generalist(s), and 3.) using the generalist(s) to maximum advantage.

To play on Pierre de Fermat, I may have some good ideas, but they appear to be larger (and taking more time to develop) than can fit in this space.

More in a few days.

Some Thoughts on Using Generalists is the more complete response.

Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 08:54AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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