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A Scholar's Workbench: Close to the End

In A Scholar's Workbench I referred to the stack of books and papers accumulated as a result of my first seminar in the MDY program at Norwich.

Here's the workbench at the end of the sixth seminar.  The stack (books to the left; printed material and papers to the right) didn't grow as much as I thought it might, but the machine in the middle managed to accumulate 250 meg in 615 files in 21 folders.  The citation database, managed by Zotero (great tool) contained 398 entries.

I think the brain was also suitably transformed which, of course, was what this adventure was all about to begin with.

A one week residency culminating in graduation in mid-June remains.  The assumption, of course, is that I won't find some way to fall out of the boat between here and there.  And between here and there I have in mind to write a paper, the working title is Synthesis, to gather together the experiences over the last 18 or so months, draw some conclusions as to the return on investment, discuss how I can bring the learnings to bear in my teaching, and perhaps make some recommendations to Norwich.


Posted on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 02:13PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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