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In short, whenever it becomes politically dangerous...

...to challenge prevailing orthodoxies, misplaced policies are more likely to go unquestioned and uncorrected. Wouldn't it have been better if more well-placed people had objected to the U.S. decision to build massive nuclear overkill (including 30,000-plus nuclear warheads) during the Cold War, questioned the enduring fears of "monolithic communism" and Soviet military superiority, or challenged the wisdom of three decades of financial deregulation? Some did express such qualms, of course, but doing so loudly and persistently was a good way to find oneself excluded from the political mainstream and certainly from the highest corridors of power.

Walt, S. M. (2011). Where Do Bad Ideas Come From? Foreign Policy, (January/February 2011), 48-53.

Posted on Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 04:12PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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