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The Cognitive Phone: Conversations on the Cutting Edge of Communications

From IT Conversations come this fascinating interview.

The Mobile Sensing Group at Dartmouth College is helping lead the way in turning the everyday mobile phone into an open global mobile sensing platform for personal, social-nets and societal-scale sensing. Led by faculty member Andrew Campbell, the group is working to be involved in new ways to use mobile devices. He gives an overview of the work carried out at Dartmouth with his colleague Tanzeem Choudhury, starting with such challenges as privacy, and discusses how the group uses Jigsaw. He also gives some examples of possible applications.

Campbell paints a picture of very sophisticated technology that, to borrow from Sherry Turkle of MIT, changes us and our communications patterns.

It is worth a listen.

Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 07:28AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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