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Hi, Jim: The Story of a Compliment Received

This came through on g-mail a couple of days ago.

I’m an instructor at the Madera Community Center in Madera, CA. I teach a one semester Maintenance Mechanic certificated program. Part of the grant requirements is to provide some level of Tier 4 Manufacturing & Logistics training. I have been struggling trying to find brief lectures that touch on these Tier 4 subjects. I came across your blog site and found your “Intro to Logistics & Supply Chain” paper. I have modified your paper to what I believe the caliber of students in my classes can understand.

This lecture will encompass at least two of the Tier 4 subjects. With your permission, I would like to implement the abbreviated version as a PowerPoint lecture during my Introduction to Manufacturing course (two weeks).

Thank you,

I have long maintained, as my students will tell you, that the greatest compliment one can be paid is to be invited back to fight the next battle.  Another great compliment is when someone thinks enough of your work to use it.

I also draw your attention to the request for permission.  Manners do count.

Posted on Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 07:30AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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