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Yep, I Have One

I muttered and mused over this device for a considerable period of time.  How would I use it?  What value would it add to the way I work?  Yes, I really did ask these questions.

I didn't need to answer because I received it as a gift.

I am a content creator in addition to being a content reviewer.  Can I create content on the device?  Yes, but a laptop is much, much better for this.  However, if you need a device that an fill in on occasional basis, this may work fine.  We've  four day trip coming up next weekend and I need to be connected.  This will be a good test.

All the practical aside, what a gorgeous piece of technology.  That it is part of a larger, architected system makes it even better.  It's not technology anymore, it's the user experience.

Posted on Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 06:28PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Hey Dad,

Another use for the IPad, our supply priest had her homily on her IPad. Not that I see you delivering homilies anytime soon! ;-)

July 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim Prentice

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