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Kudos to the Schwartz Communication Institute

Under the leadership of Bernard Schwartz, Herb Brinberg, and Mikhail Gershovich, the Institute put together another highly provocative and valuable symposium on communications and communication-intensive education.  Look here for information about the April 30 meeting.  I've been an attendee and sometime facilitator at these annual conferences since 2002, continually drawn to them by interesting people discussing interesting issues.  I always find myself coming away from the symposia with insights and ideas that, with work (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot), improve the quality of what I set out to do in my daily life.

The highlights for me this year were morning keynote by Clay Shirky, the always highly anticipated and valuable roundtable discussions, and the afternoon keynote (especially the remarks by Mona Siu-Kan Lau of UBS).  Regrettably, I missed the afternoon workshops which, in the past, have also proved of value.

I suspect a substantial amount of the material presented at the symposium will begin to be made available on the Baruch College Digital Media Library in the near future.

This is one of the anticipated events on my yearly calendar.  While this is an invitation only event, invitations may be requested.  I suggest that if communications is a large, important part of what you do, contact the Institute and make a request.

Posted on Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 08:37AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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