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David Gelernter

I have previously been critical, constructively, I hope, of David Gelernter.  There is, however, not doubt in my mind that Prof. Gelernter is a constructive provocateur.  It is in this context I call your attention to recent piece by Prof. Gelernter in Edge, Time To Start Taking the Internet Seriously.  This ought to open your mind to the potentials and pitfalls of the Internet.  There is, in this item, a desciption of the Cloud, that, it seems to me, bespeaks of almost a god-like quality being attributed to an inantimate (really?) collection of objects.

As I read this I jotted the note: "Does the Cloud = Omnius?" 

Posted on Friday, April 2, 2010 at 07:42AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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