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I'm in the pool as "jmsdrgn."

I've a great deal of respect for the gang at the Schwartz Communication Institute and they have been prevailing on me,

even flattering me, regarding Twitter.

I've resisted, in the best curmudgeonly tradition, but, as I heard the other day, "if you haven't done it, maybe you shouldn't talk about it."

So here I am.  A lot to learn, to discover, to think about, and to, perhaps, ultimately apply.

I've a pair of  black-capped chickadees that have built a nest in rotten hollow of a tree outside my home office window.  One of these days I expect to see their offspring, perched at the edge of the hollow, wondering whether and how to step into the unknown.  I share their feeling.

And I'm also reminded of the Drogan's Eighth Law; "Old dogs that don't learn new tricks end up dead dogs."

Posted on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 07:39AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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