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kleio’s belly

For some time I have wanted to post about "kleio’s belly," but have struggled with how to say what I want to say (most unusual for me).  The reasons for this may become apparent a bit later.

I have always admired those who excel at their craft, be it what most of us call work or be it what most of us do simply for personal enjoyment.  Sometimes I don't fully understand the craft.  Much of what's in "kleio’s belly is like this.  Much of what I hear and see in "TED Talks" is like this.  Apparently complete understanding is not necessarily required for complete appreciation.

December 6, 2008, saw the arrival of "kleio’s belly" on the blog scene with an opening post of "yet another craftblog..."  While the blog is about crafts, it is far more rich than that (cf."americana 101: rollerderby").  It is a delightful, funny, poignant, very well-written romp through through a wide swath of a person's life.  It's not a tell-all, but it is a tell-a-lot.

Craftsmanship, of course, abounds.  From food to photographs; from writing to wondering and wandering; from artifacts of childhood to the artifacts of adulthood.

"kleio’s belly" is in my feeds and almost every day it brings a surprise, a bit of elixir in the otherwise humdrum of the daily routine.  I laugh and sometimes wipe away a tear at a revived memory.

And the force behind this is my daughter whom I love very much.

Posted on Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 07:49AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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