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The Rewards of Teaching

On occasion one receives little notes like this:

"Professor Drogan,

I remembered speaking with you one day about buying Drogan Notes online. I went to lulu.com and noticed that there were two sets, 2008 and 2009. Along with the year difference there was also a price difference. Because you were the most influential professor I had encountered during the graduate program I would like to utilize your teachings throughout my career. If you could please let me know if there is any noticeable difference in the two editions it would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,"

Yes I suppose I am boasting and being immodest, but I feel pretty good about having an impact on students.

It's the ability to impact students, to be a part of preparing them to survive, thrive, and make a difference in the world that is the reward for teaching. 

Education is criticized in this country and for good reason.  In many respects and in many places it has wandered from its true purpose, become a tool of the political hacks, an expensive baby sitting service, and a playground for the pompous to whom the status quo represents progress.

We see far to little celebration of education's accomplishments.  But then good news doesn't sell nor does it provide the opportunity to hold Congressional hearings.

Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 at 07:31AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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