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The BCG Looks at the World

SupplyChainBrain brings a brief report on the Boston Consulting Group Global Survey: Business Executives Expect Difficult Times to Continue in 2010.   The report concludes that business executives are failing to plan tough, defensive actions.  Many businesses are underestimating the enduring legacy of the great recession: a slow-growth economy. market leaders are looking ahead and taking dramatic steps to succeed, but most are focusing on the short term and skirting tough decisions.

What's missing here, at least in this abbreviated version, is a deeper look at why, in the opinion of BCG, these business executives are failing to do what BCG thinks needs to be done.  So, to those of you who are my students, give some thought to the question "Why?"

A second point I would make is that it is helpful to making decisions if one has a number of views of the situation.  BCG is a reputable organization and value ought to be attached to what they have to say.

Posted on Monday, December 28, 2009 at 06:54PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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