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The Uneven Distribution of Power and Knowledge, and the Threat to the Sinecure

My habit is to not put my political feelings on this blog, but continuing developments in American finance and economics cause me to make an exception

There are aspects of the ill-named "bailout" that I would like to see changed, but I find the rollover of Congress by the voters to be  more disturbing.

While I want my  Representative and Senators to appreciate and consider my concerns, needs, and wants, I likewise expect them to have the larger context of American and global society in mind.  Furthermore, my expectation is, that with all the resources available to them, they have better knowledge and a deeper understanding of issues than I.

In other words, I expect them to lead and that sometimes means taking unpopular stands.

How naive I am.  How disappointed in Congress (and the Administration) I am.

Sitting in Congress seems to have become little more than a sinecure unless one counts assignment of blame as an effort worthy of reward.

Your attention is called to two Wall Street Journal articles on this matter; 'No' Votes Came From All Directions and Vote Presses Lawmakers at Home.

The editorial from the October 2, 2008 issue, Bailing Out Ourselves, is also worth a read.

Posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 12:36PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Here, here.
October 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDave

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