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Predicting the next 5,000 days of the web

From TED Talks comes the fascinating, sobering, provocative look at a possible future of the internet.  I'not sure I want to be part of One.  Nor do I think that Kevin Kelly explored the downside of his scenario.

I'm reminded here of Omnius in Dune;  of Big Brother from 1984; of Kurzweil in The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence claiming "...that by the year 2029 machines will claim to be conscious and that these claims will be largely accepted."

In "A Small View of a Possible World" I questioned whether always on, always connected, always transacting was a good thing.  I've my doubts.

The rush of techonolgy in all its myriad forms has great promise, but we need a a perspective that examines both sides of this coin with equal fervor.

I should add the I watched and listened to this presentation on my iPhone (non-3g, fantastic device), connecting TED Talks and the iPhone through iTunes.  Years ago IBM had a slogan, "It's the way we put it together that sets us apart" or something like that.  Indeed, Apples is a shining example of that.

Posted on Friday, August 1, 2008 at 09:17AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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