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And More on the Mind Changes

Today, from Arts & Letters Daily comes an article by John Naughton from The Observer that adds to this string regarding the the changing of the mind.

As I read it, I turned to look behind me to see 12 inches of unread books, then to the right of me to see another 18 inches of unread books.  I don't think this would ever have happened pre-Internet and I believe it a phenomenon that has developed only in the last four to five years.

Evidence, I think, that the trend noted by Turkle, and underscored by Carr and Naughton is indeed, at least in my little world, true.

The fundamentals of communication and the SIDAL loop are radically changing.  Am I keeping up?  I'm not sure as I can't seem to take the time to think about it.

Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 08:51AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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