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The Mind Changes

In a 2003 presentation, How to Use Computers and Internet in Daily Transactions, I quoted Sherry Turkle of MIT;  "We know that technology changes our lives -- but could it be changing our selves as well?"  I blogged about Turkle's observation in Turkle + Technology = Something to Think About and Is Privacy Passé?

My morning browse through the blogs (see blogroll if you are interested in my grazing habits) brought me to Nick Carr's (yes, the " IT Doesn't Matter" Nick Carr) Atlantic Monthly article, Is Google Making Us Stupid?, by way of Jon Udell's blog post.

It seems to me that Carr is arguing in the Atlantic Monthly that IT does matter and matters in a very profound way

I urge a read of Carr's article and some thinking about what he has to say.  What does Carr's perspectives portend for the Homo sapiens species?  I particularly urge this on my students,  those who teach (especially my friends at the  The Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute at Baruch College), and anyone who as been following the portions of "Conversations with Dave" that have appeared in this blog.

Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 09:41AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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