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How to Disagree

My, but this is a rich morning on the blogs.  By way of MetaFilter comes How to Disagree.  I was sensitive to this post for two reasons.

First of all, earlier this morning I posted an item on How to Get Your Comments Deleted and Yourself Banned.   Secondly, all students in my courses are subjected to a discussion on how to deliver constructive criticism, something I suspect is not covered well in tertiary education.

How to Disagree relates to both reasons and is suggested reading for all.

Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 10:35AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Excellent, thanks. Graham has several deep and valuable posts and that one is particularly useful. I'd build on it and argue that only when one focuses on dealing with the heart of an argument with both evidence and logic is the exchange constructive. While, sadly, most exchanges tend to fail lower in Paul's hierarchy (much...much lower). In fact even on a site such as BigPic with it's huge readership most of the comments are not on the central argument but dance around it and few if any offer up refutation and/or enhancement of the central argument. In my experience that's not at all unusual. As a romantic optimist I'd wonder if there is another hierarchy of constructive, mutual and collaborative exchange and investigation that could be developed.
That needless to say is my own goal and my reason for blogging. And one has to admire Wikipedia as the exemplar.
March 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdblwyo

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