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A Riddle for These Times

The title of this post is taken from a post of the same name in Economic Principals. I cite two paragraphs from this piece in hopes it will encourage you to read the item.

"In the spirit of thinking back on watchdogs who warned us, let me resurrect another sage: Jane Jacobs, the citizen economist, philosopher, journalist and activist who died in 2006. In Systems of Survival: A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics , in 1992, she left behind a provocative set of clues to what went wrong."


"All the rest of Systems of Survival is an inventive and high-spirited speculation on how these two approaches, commercial and guardian, collide and interact in the modern world. “[M]any of us have taken on casts of mind so skewed toward one set of morals and values that we have little understanding of the other, and little if any appreciation of its integrity too,” Jacobs writes in a brief preface — an especially helpful observation to remember in the present situation. There’s not much that escaped her attention – from global warming to national security to greed and fraud in business."

Posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 at 07:03AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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