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Minds for Modern Times

For several years I have used the following diagram to represent the essentials of the mind of the consultant.


This morning, courtesy of Ziff Davis CIO Insight Update, comes this reference to the book Minds for Modern Times by Harvard Professor Howard Gardner.  What struck me about the abstract is Gardner's Five Minds:

  1. Disciplined
  2. Synthesizing
  3. Creating
  4. Respectful
  5. Ethical

It seems to me there is some alignment between the views that Gardner and I hold.  I take some satisfaction with what I consider a degree of confirmation of my thinking.

I expect to read Gardner's book, but also suggest that, even without the benefit of Gardner's complete words, it's useful to think about his Five Minds.  In what ways are the concepts relevant to the way we lead our lives?  What specific actions are we taking to develop our capabilities and capacities in these areas?

Posted on Friday, August 3, 2007 at 07:31AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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