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RE: Trade, Glbl. & Welfare Adjustments

Re Conversations with Dave

I use the Context of Interest in all my courses to remind not just my students, but also me, the importance of knowing one’s position in time and the forces that affect one’s trajectory.


My sense is that the socio-political-economic forces, particularly the political, are dominating the discussions of world trade. I think it is legitimate to call into question whether this set of forces is particularly well-informed about the world and economics, on the one hand, and whether the forces (let me make clear that by this I mean political decision makers) have anything other than self-interest in mind. That is, for all the majestic words regarding global trade, a rising tide lifts all boats, and world peace through world trade, their position and the maintenance of that position depends upon their constituencies either reelected them or not, or in some more violent manner, overthrowing them.

This is to be compared to the pronouncements of the tenured academicians who are unlikely to be fired, thrown out of office, or stood up in front of a firing squad.

No one has a global constituency. The reality is that zero-sum games abound and that it is easier to do bi-lateral agreements. This, of course, takes us back to our discussion of parity.

Reward systems are dissimilar, conflict is easier the collaboration. And, when backed into a corner, any beast, however small, will snarl.

Now this is not just a cry of despair. Rather, "If stated reasons don't sit well with your conscience or stand the test of logic, look for deeper motivations." The line is attributed to Docent Glax Othn in Dune: The Butlerian Jihad.

This notion of understanding the motivations also links back to some of our previous discussions. Let me advance the hypothesis that the global psyche is not what it once was and is not well understood. For example, America cannot come to grips with the wanton, indiscriminate killing in the Middle East. Those perpetrating these actions do not understand, or care, about America’s failure to come to grips with their actions.

The enormous advance in global connectivity has not been accompanied by an enormous advance in global understanding, particularly amongst the rank and file. It would be interesting, I think, to consider the question of whether the politicos really desire the rank and file to understand.

Anyway, where does that leave us in the complex white water of world affairs? Perhaps Spaceship Earth is in need of a 12-step program.

Posted on Friday, February 23, 2007 at 05:45PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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