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The Death of Computing

From the del.icio.us hotlist comes a link to The Death of Computing, a perspective by Neil McBride.  Much of what McBride discusses squares with my some 40 years of experience in the field of computing. 

His approach to teaching the subject also aligns with mine.  The perspective I take is that of senior management dealing with the issue of management information system investment decisions.  The syllabi for my courses can be found in What I Am Teaching.

McBride and I are, I think, on the same page.  That is, what those who hire our students want is different from what we have traditionally turned out.  This means that we need to understand our customers and do more to meet their needs.  Higher education is no less susceptible to market forces than other discipline and tenure is no defense.

Also see Bizz School Re-Thinking 6/19/5.

Posted on Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 10:03AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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