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Security Beyond the Ports, JOC March 13, 2006

Good morning, Charlie.

Congratulations on a nice piece.

What keeps America from coming to grip with the issues you discuss?  I would hate to think we need another tragic event to focus our attention.

I'm reminded, in passing, of the September 1994 TOWARD A NATIONAL INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FINAL REPORT of the National Commission on Intermodal Transportation.  As best I can tell that report had no impact whatsoever on America's national transportation system.

Of late, responsible parities have been bemoaning the port and inland capacity.  Eric Johnson, in the June 2006 issue of American Shipper, writes of Michael Gallis and his views of America's transportation infrastructure.  Various top executives in the shipping community have sounded the same warnings.

Apparently those who are capable of fomenting change haven't gotten the message.

Perhaps informed speculation on ways to overcome the balkanization of American transportation would lead to pungent recommendations that would attract appropriate attention and action.

Posted on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 09:31AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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