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You Can Lead a Horse to Water

From Slashdot comes this item regarding use of search results.

"The BBC reports on a study saying that, despite the depth of content internet search providers offer, most people stop at page 3 or earlier." From the article: "It also found that a third of users linked companies in the first page of results with top brands. The study surveyed 2,369 people from a US online consumer panel. It also found 62% of those surveyed clicked on a result on the first page, up from 48% in 2002. Some 90% of consumers clicked on a link in these pages, up from 81% in 2002. "

There  is substantial data, information, and knowledge on the internet that may go begging because of the user's short attention span.

This year I will once again participate in the Bernard L. Schwartz Annual Symposium on Communication and Communication Intensive Instruction.  I would expect the discussions to be informed by the BBC report.

Posted on Friday, April 14, 2006 at 08:31AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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