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Fundamental Policy Reform: Rubin Speaks

Re: Conversations with Dave 

As one of my client's used to inevitably say sometime during my presentation to him, "So what?"

America needs a major political transformation if Rubin's Recipe is to be of any value. This can only take place through the emergence of strong leadership of the kind not currently visible to me.

We used to talk about the "burning bridge" in the consulting business. What's it going to take to get America off its collective butt? I think the body politic needs to be immediately hit in the pocketbook. It seems to me that to the extent America is maintaining some level of economic growth is at the expense of eating our seed corn.

All this may not affect me too much as I reckon I've about 20 years left. But I am concerned about the following generations suffering from the folly of the current bunch of dysfunctionals in power.

This rant is not very tightly reasoned and is expressed more from a sense of frustration than soberness.

"Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both." John Andrew Holmes

Posted on Sunday, February 5, 2006 at 03:02PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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