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Returning to the Stump

While I'm not widely read, there are a hardy few that  tune in from time to time for the mutterings and musings of a meandering mind.

October was taken over by my family and deep emergence in institutional matters.

The nauseous run-up to the first Tuesday in November has dominated the news and has provided little stimulus for comment.  However, in retrospect, I wish I had kept all the campaign literature that had arrived at the house.  My sense is that it represented unhealthy values and behavior that,  sad to say, we citizens seems tolerate.  And, oh yes, there are those automated, soul-less telephone calls; "Hello, I am calling with information on..."  Why, oh why do we put up with this crap?

The real motivation for this post is to call attention to US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud, brought to my attention by Boing Boing.  Speeches from John Adams to W have been analyzed to indicate word usage.  It strikes me that that there is a fantastic history/culture/values lesson lying in wait.

Posted on Sunday, November 5, 2006 at 12:30PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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