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From Dave Pollard's blog.

'We who understand (at least a little) the shape our world is in, have a lot of work to do. To do that, we need to stay flexible, agile, resilient. We need to keep our perspective and our objectivity. We need to be brutally honest with ourselves and with others. If we get too fixed in our thinking, rigid, uncompromising, doctrinaire, or if we get sidetracked by the minutiae of the modern world, trivial matters that may evoke some visceral response in us, but which in the long run are of no consequence and simply waste time and energy, we will be opening ourselves up to illness and injury we cannot afford.

How then, I would like to know, do you maintain your resilience? How do you stay open-minded yet centered, focused yet able to let go of things that no longer merit holding onto? There are some obvious ways: meditation and other relaxation/awareness techniques, and physical exercise, both aerobic, to keep energy levels and stamina high, and anaerobic, to keep your posture good and your muscles flexible and relaxed. Spending time in nature, or, perhaps for some of you, in spiritual contemplation is another way.

What else? What do you do to keep it together, to keep yourself open to ideas and ideologies of others, without, as ee cummings put it, "becoming everyone else"? How do you manage to roll with the punches, without becoming so unfocused that you just blow in the wind, directionless?'

 Pollard is on of my favorite bloggers and regularly poses provocative items such as this.  To participate in this discussion go to his original posting.

Posted on Monday, September 5, 2005 at 08:17AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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