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Econ Blogs

Re Conversations with Dave

Can we, therefore, look forward to www.dave'sworld.com and www.stan'sstuff.com? www.jim'sjunque.com can be found at www.jmsdrgn.squarespace.com > droganbloggin.
Here's a concept I teach.


The Web, and blogs, and wikis, and podcasts, and picture sites, and on and on, will not, fundamentally, change this cycle, but the cycle is speeded up enormously.  Coping with the rise in data (and even, perhaps, information and knowledge) requires more collaboration and the use of more tools that network the minds (the brain of brains).  One must accept more ambiguity and hence become better at risk management.
And perhaps one must become more tolerant as well.

Posted on Friday, August 19, 2005 at 08:59AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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