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Enterprise Performance and Employee Support

Re Conversations with Dave

Maier prompts the following thought experiment.
Sort the world into big companies (which she seems to disdain) and small companies. Presume that all of the work of the big companies is transferred to small companies.  The loss is the economies of scale of the big companies; the gain is people are more productive (yes, the model is a bit simple, but it matches the data).  Put the loss and the gain on the economic balance and see which way it tips.
Doubtless Maier has expunged from her life all goods and services made by big companies.
I inclined to equate Bonjour Paresse with a hula hoop.
Having been reasonably sarcastic, let me also say I agree with your comment as to what she should be really driving at.

Posted on Monday, July 25, 2005 at 04:47PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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