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Incompetent and Constructive Politics

This morning brings the juxtaposition of interesting opinion from MSM.

The "incompetent" in the title of this post refers to the op-ed piece in today's NYT by Bob Herbert.  If either the Administration or Congress were running businesses, producing results, and behaving as the currently are doing, boards, shareholders, and investors would have sacked them long ago.

Why do we Americans put up with this level of incompetence?  Are we inured to this level of performance?  Are our political leaders simply operating at the level of our expectations?  Have our expectations been adjusted by their performance?

Whatever the reason, the performance is abysmal, particularly at a national level.  I can't see much prospect for change.

Which leads me to the word "constructive" in this title and the editorial from today's WSJ.   The Democrats (Abbreviated "dims" by a friend of mine.  I see this as an apt slip on the keyboard.) have little constructive to say on any important subject.   What of their presumptuous leader,  The Great Screamer?  Are  they thoughtless?  Do they lack the will and courage to advance their thoughts?

Perhaps the political parties are participating in a race to the bottom.  Presumably the party that gets to the bottom last is the winner.

Reality has left the Beltway.

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 10:31AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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