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Bizz School Re-Thinking 6/20/2005

I was viewed by both sides of not understanding the situation.

"We hypothesized that a major part of the problem was the incentive structure combined with the unwillingness to risk new things." applies, in my view, to both sides.

Business may not be concerned because any organization brings in a relatively small number of new graduates each year. This number multiplied by their presumed knowledge and skills deficiency likely amounts to an insignificant risk. Why worry? Be happy.

Tenure insulates many in academia from the cold winds of the marketplace. One very good institution in New York sent 48 of its finest into the accounting and finance community to find jobs. No offers were made. Faculty and staff wring their hands, but no one is willing to identify this as a significant issue and mount a plan to resolve the matter. What do you think the 48 are going to tell their friends about the value of their educational experience at this institution?

And yeah, I'm pretty satisfied at the moment. The number of dragons that need to be slain play no small part in this satisfaction. "Come, Sancho. Bring my lance."

Posted on Monday, June 20, 2005 at 03:08PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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